Tumor da tiróide
Local: Tiróide
Comportamento: Massas no pescoço, possível disfunção da tiróide, alto risco de metastização
Diagnóstico: Análise ao sangue e urina, raio-x dos pulmões, amostra de tecido circundante aos nódulos linfáticos, ecografia e possivelmente tomografia computadorizada ou cintilografia
Tratamento: Cirurgia, radiação, terapia com iodo radioativo, (quimioterapia)
Prognóstico: Dependendo da fixação e do tamanho do tumor e presença de metástases (entre 6 meses e 3 anos)
Não há fotos disponíveis para este tipo de tumor
  1. Lunn KF and Page RL. Tumors of the Endocrine System. Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 5th edition,Chapter 28 Withrow (p 513-5)
  2. Lunn KF and Boston SE. Tumors of the Endocrine System. Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th edition,Chapter 26 Withrow (p 575-7)
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  8. Sheppard-Olivares S, et al. (2020). Toceranib phosphate in the treatment of canine thyroid carcinoma: 42 cases (2009-2018). Vet Comp Oncol;18(4):519-527.)
  9. Simpson WJ, et al. (1988). Papillary and follicular thyroid cancer: impact of treatment in 1578 patients. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 14(6): 1063-1075
  10. Susaneck SJ. (1983). Thyroid-Tumors in the Dog. Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian 5(1): 35
  11. Theon AP, et al. (2000). Prognostic factors and patterns of treatment failure in dogs with unresectable differentiated thyroid carcinomas treated with megavoltage irradiation. J Am Vet Med Assoc 216(11): 1775-1779
  12. Turrel JM, et al. (2006). Sodium iodide I 131 treatment of dogs with nonresectable thyroid tumors: 39 cases (1990-2003). J Am Vet Med Assoc 229(4): 542-548
  13. Worth AJ, et al. (2005). Radioiodide (131I) therapy for the treatment of canine thyroid carcinoma. Aust Vet J 83(4): 208-214
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