Via the search button, you can perform a targeted search for canine clinical trials. In order to do this, tick -if known- the box of your dog’s tumour type (‘Select tumour type’) and/or the countries (‘Select location’) for which you wish to know whether clinical trials are ongoing.
Afterwards, a list of trials for which your dog might be eligible will appear. The listed information is limited to
- Treatment centre where the trial is available
- In/exclusion criteria. Inclusion criteria describe the criteria necessary for your dog to participate in the trial (e.g. inoperable tumour). Exclusion criteria describe conditions that exclude possible participation to the trial (e.g. concomitant chemotherapy).
- Contact information: phone number and e-mail address of the trial’s contact person, webpage with more information on the trial.
For more details on the trial, we recommend you to contact the researchers via the listed contact info.