Melanoma - oral
Location: Oral
Behaviour: Metastasizes quickly
Diagnostics: Fine needle aspiration/lymph node biopsy, X-ray (bone and chest), ultrasound abdomen, CT/MRI scan
Treatment: Surgery and additional radiotherapy (primary tumour), chemotherapy (metastases)
Prognosis: Strongly depends on tumour stage and used treatment method
Here you can find pictures of dogs with this tumour type. These images may be unsuited for sensitive viewers.
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The bulge of the lip in the lower right corner of the picture is caused by a melanoma.
Upon opening the mouth a dark spherical mass was found at the level of the gingiva.
The mass does not always have to be dark to be a melanoma. In the above dog, the mass at the height of the upper lip is flesh-coloured, but the sampling confirmed that it was a tumour of the pigment cells.
  1. Bergman PJ, Kent MS. melanomaOral. Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, Chapter 19 (p 321-330).
  3. Pazzi P, Steenkamp G, Rixon AJ. Treatment of Canine Oral Melanomas: A Critical Review of the Literature. Vet Sci. 2022 May; 9(5): 196.
Clinical trials
Innovative immunotherapy for solid tumors
Improving the outcome of dogs with head and neck tumors using fluorescence-guided surgery
Comparative evaluation of a targeted and non targeted NIR dye to improve resection accuracy in oral neoplasia

Clinic for Small Animal Surgery, Soft Tissue and Oncologic Surgery, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zurich
Zurich, Switzerland
+41 44 6358444