Lung tumour
Location: The lungs
Behaviour: Mass in the lungs, usually causes coughing, moderate to high risk of metastasis (depending on tumour type)
Diagnostics: Imaging (radiography, ultrasound, CT scan) and sampling of lymph nodes and tumour
Treatment: Surgery, radiation, (chemotherapy)
Prognosis: Depending on, among other things, the size of the tumour, involvement of surrounding tissues and the presence of metastases (1 week to 18 months)
There are no pictures available for this tumour type
  1. Lunn KF and Page RL. Tumors of the Respiratory System. Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 5th edition,Chapter 23 Withrow (p 453-9)
  2. Yamazaki H. et al. Assessment of postoperative adjuvant treatment usingtoceranib phosphate against adenocarcinoma in dogs. JVIM 2020;34:1272-1281
Clinical trials
Aspartame for the prevention of chemotherapy-induced diarrhoea: a pilot study

AURA Veterinary
Surrey, United Kingdom

Anicura Clinica veterinaria Malpensa
Samarate, Italy

Hospital for Small Animals, Royal (Dick) Vet School of Veterinary Studies
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Auna Especialidades Veterinaria
Paterna, Spain
+44 (0)1483 668100